With many of us doing at-home workouts, it can be difficult to find fun ways to switch up our lower-body routine without needing equipment. Try swapping those squats for pliés in this ballet-inspired bodyweight strength workout. Barre, a fusion of ballet, Pilates, sports conditioning and stretching, is an accessible – and fun! – bodyweight workout that engages those deeper muscles (and your inner ballerina) through both isotonic and isometric work.
Try the following exercises; repeat each exercise twice at 16 reps each, plus 16 counts of pulsing at the end of each set. Focus on keeping a tall spine, with a slight pelvic tuck if you tend to arch your lower back.
Download the pdf of this exercise take away.
NOTE: This is not a substitute for medical advice.
About the Author: Ginny Dunnill is a BCRPA-registered Group Fitness Instructor, a Community Services Librarian with Richmond Public Library, and a bordering-on-obsessive cat mama residing in beautiful Steveston. She has been teaching Barre for Barre Fitness South Surrey (currently virtual!) since 2016 and is thrilled to share a workout that translates to a workout-from-home just as well as in the studio. For more information about Barre, visit www.barrefitness.com/.
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