Liquid Yoga /Liquid Fit on the Aquamat Part I

Yoga and fitness on water? Yes, you heard it right! The newly developed inflatable yoga mats now allow us to take our yoga and fitness from the gym to the pool.

These inflatable mats offer participants the opportunity to challenge their body in a new and fun way – while getting the best possible core body workout.

Taking fitness to the water will awaken our fast twitch muscles which rarely get asked to fire on solid ground. The instability under your feet means your body is continuously being challenged to find balance, or a place to rest. Just sitting, kneeling or standing on the mat pushes your body to find balance.

Download the pdf of this exercise take away.

NOTE: This is not a substitute for medical advice.

Kristy Wright Schell is the owner of Just Add Water Yoga Ltd. and a Stand Up Paddle Instructor Trainer & Athlete. Kristy teaches this program in Vancouver at the Westin Bayshore Hotel and offers Instructor Training across Canada to support facilities in creating a powerful program that caters to all levels. For more details on Liquid Yoga and Liquid Fit Instructor Training or regular classes please contact:


This handout is a part of the Winter 2018 issue of FitLife BC. FitLife BC is the official magazine of the British Columbia Recreation and Parks Association’s Fitness Program. Permission of the editor must be obtained for the reproduction of articles. Opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the Association.

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