Successful Core Training – Part 2

Successful core training begins with the understanding of how to coach and cue the correct pelvic and thoracic posture to create a foundational connection between the hemispheres of the body prior to resisting motion from the appendages. For most core focused exercises the pelvis will be tilted posteriorly through co-contraction of the gluteus maximus and oblique muscles. The thoracic (read: rib) posture should be in-line with the pelvic bowl and void of excessive thoraco-lumbar extension (or rib flare).

NOTE: This is not a substitute for medical advice.

STEVE DI TOMASO and KARI NEGRAIFF are owners of Envision Fitness in Maple Ridge. They are passionate, lifelong learners with over 20 years of combined industry experience. DVRT Master Instructors since 2012 they use DVRT as their primary platform for exercise programming. They aspire to connect fitness professionals with the means and scientific methodology to provide the ultimate fitness experience for their clientele.


This handout is part of the Winter 2017 issue of FitLifeBC, find the full issue here. FitLifeBC is the official magazine of the British Columbia Recreation and Parks Associations’ Fitness Program. Permission of the editor must be obtained for the reproduction of articles. Opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the Association.

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