Suspension Training – It’s Time to Mix It Up!

Suspension training is an amazing tool to have in your toolkit. Whether you’re using it to regress movements or to add more challenge, it’s a must have. Here are two intermediate movements that you can easily incorporate into your program.

NOTE: This is not a substitute for medical advice.

TAG DUNDAS is a Registered Personal Trainer, workshop presenter and the owner of TNT Fitness. He is the first Canadian to obtain TRX Master Trainer status and travels the world to learn from the best of the best. Tag is on a mission to educate fitness professionals on how to utilize suspension training in the safest and most effective ways possible, making it accessible for clients of all ages and ability levels.

This handout is part of the Spring/Summer 2017 issue of FitLifeBC, and can be found here. Permission of the editor must be obtained for the reproduction of articles. Opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the Association.

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