Bacteria will grow just about anywhere, including your water bottle. It doesn’t matter what type of material it’s made from–glass, plastic, aluminum or ceramic–yuck!

Ensuring your water bottle is completely clean can be challenging. To do it properly you’ll need a bottle-cleaning brush, soapy water and denture cleaning tablets.

During the week, clean your water bottle every day using your bottle-cleaning brush and soapy water followed by a thorough rinse and dry. On the weekend give it a deep cleaning using your bottle-cleaning brush, soapy water and denture tablets. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Begin with soapy water and your bottle-cleaning brush and give your water bottle and lid a good brushing and thorough rinse.
  2. Then fill your water bottle and a bowl with warm to hot water.
  3. Next plop in a few denture-cleaning tablets into your filled water bottle and a few into the bowl (put your water bottle lid in the bowl) and let them sit overnight. (Pro Tip: The denture tablets are excellent at picking away the grudge around the hard to get places in the lid and at the bottom of your water bottle.)
  4. In the morning wash one more time and then give it a really good rinse.

Good as new!

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